Clearing his position on the issue, the state of Telangana informed the High Court of Hyderabad on Tuesday it has no plans to demolish the building Osmania General Hospital (OGH) to Afzalgunj in Hyderabad. Telangana Additional Advocate General J Ramachandra Rao told a division bench of Acting Chief Justice and Justice Dilip Bhosale SV B Bhatt that there is no movement to bring the equity structure down.
The bank made it clear that the state and the structure is classified as a heritage building, keep the public informed well in advance of any decisions regarding the structure. "Therefore, the decision to renew and heritage structure, let alone their demolish tion, requires the prior approval of the authorities and heritage conservation committees," the bank said. The bank, as long as a public interest petition filed by lawyer based in Hyderabad BM Swami Dass question the wisdom behind the alleged decision to demolish the equity structure is heard, sought to know the state if there was any truth in the allegations and fears. The State responded that no such plans. Given this, the bank insurance and closed the petition. Back when the petition came up for hearing last week, the bank inform the petitioner sought the basis for their apprehensions.
"Was there any GO (government order) issued to demolish the building?" He asked himself. S Satyam Reddy, senior counsel who appeared for the petitioner, said that although he could not secure any copy of the official decision is public knowledge that the state has already begun to vacate the oldest building of the hospital ward-after-ward moving their patients to nearby hospitals.
On Tuesday, the petitioner produced before the court newspaper clippings that told of the State's decision to change existing OGH rooms to another hospital and demolish the heritage structure.Satyam Reddy also brought to the attention of the court the comment by Telangana deputy chief minister Mohammed Ali Mahmood could get a moment to Charminar to be demolished. After Telangana assured the court that there is no movement to demolish OGH, the top lawyer urged the bench to direct the state government to release funds to renovate the heritage structures as OGH.
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