SR Nagar police arrested on Friday BTech graduate for his alleged involvement in the theft of laptops from different private hostels. The defendant, Uddipta Das, 25, was captured near Aditya Trade Centre, he was trying to get rid of the stolen material. 10 policemen were also recovered laptops worth Rs 2 lakh from him.
The police said the accused, is a native of Assam. He completed BTech of a school in Bidar in Karnataka and came to Hyderabad in search of work. He began living in a hostel in SR Nagar in April 2014. He is knowledgeable about private hostels in SR Nagar, Bapunagar, Yellareddyguda and Ameerpet.
Punjagutta ACP M. Venkateshwarlu, said: "He would come into the shelter as a newcomer and rooms" Check The defendant was sent to court remand "He then fled with laptops left behind by residents..".
The police said the accused, is a native of Assam. He completed BTech of a school in Bidar in Karnataka and came to Hyderabad in search of work. He began living in a hostel in SR Nagar in April 2014. He is knowledgeable about private hostels in SR Nagar, Bapunagar, Yellareddyguda and Ameerpet.
Punjagutta ACP M. Venkateshwarlu, said: "He would come into the shelter as a newcomer and rooms" Check The defendant was sent to court remand "He then fled with laptops left behind by residents..".
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