BJP senior leader P Muralidhar Rao said today the issue of granting the status of special category of Andhra Pradesh is still under consideration by the central government, days after a Union minister discounted that possibility in Parliament.
"The question of the special status for Andhra Pradesh is still under consideration by the government of the Union," Rao, national secretary general, told reporters here in the form of Guntur.
His statement came a few days after the Union Minister Rao Inderjit Singh said in Parliament in response to a question from a member of the special status Bihar is not any state would give more.
Accusing the Congress of playing politics on the issue, said Muralidhar Rao, "the Modi government is keen to strengthen federalism. NDA government believes in cooperative federalism and is committed to providing financial assistance to the residual Andhra Pradesh."
In a public event organized yesterday in the temple town of Tirupati, Congress had criticized the BJP for not acting on his campaign promise to grant a special status to the state. Even a 40-year-old Congress worker had attempted self-immolation in protest on the issue.
In response to a question, he said that the Centre was allocating more resources to the states for implementation of welfare and development programs.
"Government of the Union gives priority to the return of funds as per the recommendations given by the 14th Finance Commission," said the leader.
He said about 15 lakh state party members would be trained to take messages on various development schemes of the government, people.
"The question of the special status for Andhra Pradesh is still under consideration by the government of the Union," Rao, national secretary general, told reporters here in the form of Guntur.
His statement came a few days after the Union Minister Rao Inderjit Singh said in Parliament in response to a question from a member of the special status Bihar is not any state would give more.
Accusing the Congress of playing politics on the issue, said Muralidhar Rao, "the Modi government is keen to strengthen federalism. NDA government believes in cooperative federalism and is committed to providing financial assistance to the residual Andhra Pradesh."
In a public event organized yesterday in the temple town of Tirupati, Congress had criticized the BJP for not acting on his campaign promise to grant a special status to the state. Even a 40-year-old Congress worker had attempted self-immolation in protest on the issue.
In response to a question, he said that the Centre was allocating more resources to the states for implementation of welfare and development programs.
"Government of the Union gives priority to the return of funds as per the recommendations given by the 14th Finance Commission," said the leader.
He said about 15 lakh state party members would be trained to take messages on various development schemes of the government, people.
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