Irrfan has added another feather to its cap glories as has been awarded the Best Actor of 2015 in the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne by Piku. In the film Shoojit Sircar, Irrfan help Piku (Deepika Padukone) and her dysfunctional father Bhaskor (Amitabh Bachchan) approach each other, as they drive to their ancestral place in Kolkata. Piku also won awards for Best Picture and Best Director at the ceremony. The prestigious awards ceremony was held at the emblematic National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.
Irrfan grabs the Best Actor award
Irrfan has added another feather to its cap glories as has been awarded the Best Actor of 2015 in the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne by Piku. In the film Shoojit Sircar, Irrfan help Piku (Deepika Padukone) and her dysfunctional father Bhaskor (Amitabh Bachchan) approach each other, as they drive to their ancestral place in Kolkata. Piku also won awards for Best Picture and Best Director at the ceremony. The prestigious awards ceremony was held at the emblematic National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.
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