CM K. Chandrasekhar Rao said Dawat-e-Iftars will be held in 100 masjids in GHMC limits and in a masjid each in all Assembly constituency headquarters.
The CM also announced Rs 1,000 monthly honorarium to imams and mouzams in 5,000 masjids in the state as promised in the TRS poll manifesto. He said the state would incur Rs 12 crore per year for this scheme.
“Though Rs 26 crore is a huge expenditure, the government has decided to spend it for Ramzan, which is a great festival for Muslims and Telangana. This is for the first time in the history of TS that a state government is celebrating Ramzan officially in such a grand way. In the undivided state, there used to be only namesake iftar parties and functions, where only VIPs used to be invited. This time, even the public will be invited for the iftar party at the Nizam College grounds on July 8,” the CM said.
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